Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Thankful Series Continued…Short Week
Today I am really thankful for a short work week. I was sick yesterday and my boss is letting us off at noon today. So I really only worked about a day and a half. Hooray. But the reason I am so thankful is that this morning is the last morning for the week I have to take Charlot to daycare. She loves it there but I love lazy mornings with her and the hubs. I cannot wait to sleep in tomorrow morning relax on the couch a bit watch a little thanksgiving day parade before heading out to our family Thanksgiving celebration.
I truly live for mornings that I get to spend with the two of them that aren’t hurried that are calm and easy. I look forward to Friday, Saturday and Sunday with few plans and plenty of family time. I cannot imagine spending my holiday anywhere else. So Charlot and Hubs WATCH OUT THIS MOMMA WILL BE WITH YOU ALL WEEKEND LONG!!!
Monday, November 25, 2013
Thankful Series Continued...For New Experiences
Today I am especially thankful for these two people. They are the hubs grandparents and they are two very special people. They recently celebrated 60 years of wedded bliss. 60 years wow that is a really long time. These two are still so in love today you can just see it in their eyes when they look at each other and their family.
To celebrate this event they came up with the idea to take us all away for the weekend. Nothing fancy just good quality time spent as a family. I have been apart of this family for quite a while now and this is the first time we have had the chance to do something like this. Let me tell you it was a blast. Really getting to know your family on an even more personal level is a gift no one can take away.
The guys spent most of Saturday evening cheering the Tigers on to their win over Ole Miss. And the ladies spent the evening making new Christmas wreaths. Charlot, well Charlot spent the evening keeping Christopher on his toes. (Christopher is RaRa's boyfriend, and Charlot's Best Friend)
Here are a few pictures from the weekend. But they truly don’t do justice to love and joy shared during our time together.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Thankful Series Continued…The Power of Prayer
As I sat in the church pew yesterday and really listened to what the minister had to say. I started to reflect on what he was saying the title of his sermon was “Putting Christ in His Place.” He spoke about how important it was to really live a Christ centered life and how easy it was to be distracted, he said much more but this was the just of it. As I started to think about this I realized that this was something I have been really trying to do over the past month or so. Yes I am a Christian and have been for a long time but I do think that I had become distracted by all the other things that come with well Life.
Earlier this fall I saw myself coming and going and not really slowing down anywhere in between. I saw I was short with my temper, long with drama, and just not really that happy. I just broke down one night and prayed and prayed, I needed help I wanted to be a better person than I was being. Now I am not saying that the Lord has totally changed me but I do feel I am working on it with his help. But I will say that I have noticed I am happier in my marriage, I don’t seem to sweat the small stuff as much, relationships that I desperately needed to work on are getting more attention, I am a more patient mom, and seriously I am happier.
I guess it just took my ministers words to point out to me that the changes I had said I wanted to make were starting to happen. Funny how the Lord put things out there and they sometimes have to slap you in the face to realize it.
So Happy Monday and I hope each of you have a delightful week!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Thankful Series Continued...oh the things she says!
I am thankful for everything about this little girl that the good Lord blessed us with. But I really have to say the things she says tend to top the list! I mean I can be having a really bad moment and I can bank on Charlot to put a smile on my face! Here are some of her most recent and best examples.
After supper one night she was in the living room playing I was cleaning the bathroom. She comes running in and announces "I am building a house!" "How awesome sweetie" " Momma it is a asome house cause it is chocolate!" This kids knows me too well!
During supper one night, "I better not drink this water" " really Charlot why?" "It will hurt my tummy I better drink your tea." This is said as she is giving me a super cute grin and nodding her head. How do I resist that?
I walk in from Zumba class. She is dancing in the middle of the room! I ask did you and daddy have fun? "Yes!!! We ate supper and CANDY!!!" Wow hubs she sold you out too quick.
The kid loves donuts, especially chocolate ones with sprinkles! One particularly rough morning (she is not a morning person) she says to me "I need to take donuts to Telpha's" "Charlot there is a difference between wants and needs, you want to take donuts" "NO I NEEEED to take donuts or Telpha won't feed us" really kid??? Guess what she got donuts, just call me a sucker.
Last but not least...we pray each night before we get in bed and each night I ask her who she wants to pray for. Her answer is pretty much always the same "Uncle Zach" she knows he needs her prayers, hahaha! But tonight in a moment of trying to encourage her to say anyone else? "Hummmmm maybe Pap and grandma" "ok very good sweetie" We start to pray and all of a sudden she says "Lauren momma Lauren needs prayers!!" It was very urgent apparently she knows uncle zach's girlfriend better than me!
Monday, November 11, 2013
Thankful Series Continued...Freedom
Today is Veterans Day and I can't think of a better thing to be more thankful for. My freedom. Because without the sacrifices of these brave men and women we wouldn't have this freedom. The freedom to speak publicly, bear an arm, vote, worship in our chosen way and so much more.
I don't have a ton of experience with the military. My uncle is in the Navy and has served several tours of duty and one of my other uncles served during the Vietnam war. But I never have experienced the day in and day out worries of a husband or wife, son or daughter being gone.
This spring the realities of war were brought to life for me. A young wife and mother that I grew up showing with and was very active in FFA in high school. I had been following her blog as she and her husband were preparing for his deployment, and as she was going through the deployment with her girls. I will never forget that May afternoon when I read her sisters Facebook post in disbelief. The post simply stated that my friends' husband had been called home to be with The Lord, that he wouldn't be coming home to his wife and daughters the way they had planned.
I had never had the privilege to meet her husband but I felt like some one had sucked the air out of my lungs. I couldn't imagine what she and her girls were going through. That night I hugged my hubs a bit tighter and realized I needed to be more thankful for him, because he was here. What I have taken away from this story is the strength of this young wife and mom I have continued to follow her thoughts and stories through Facebook and her blog, she is truly amazing.
So thank you to all the men and women out there who sacrifice each and everyday so I can live without fear and live with freedom. And thank you to your loved ones their sacrifices are great and honorable as well.
She doesn't know I am linking this up so I hope it is ok, this is the website to my friends blog and her thoughts on Veterans Day, it is quite inspiring!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Thankful Series Continued…Two for One.
Today I am focusing on my parents and I know I did a whole post about them last year but they truly are two people that each and every day I am so very thankful they are in my life! My parents are not only dedicated parents but awesome grandparents. Charlot loves them so so much, last night she told the Hubs and I when we asked her where she wanted to eat supper she said “Grandma and Pap’s.” Yes the kid adores them and loves spending time at their house.
But truly I don’t think that all they do for my brother and I is what makes them so uniquely different. It is what they do for others. Both my parents are people that truly have a servant’s heart.
My mom is always going and doing for many people, from taking people to doctor’s appointments, sending numerous birthday cards, to helping with meals on wheels, to donating food to the food pantry, to just stopping by a friends’ house to say hi, she is there. And you can bet your bottom dollar that if you know my momma and you lose a love one in your life she will be there with a big batch of cinnamon rolls to help sweeten a sad occasion.
All of these things are on top of everything she does for her family. I mean our hog operation wouldn’t exist without her. She fills so many roles there are too many to count or mention! I can’t thank her enough for giving me such an awesome example to strive to be.
As for my dad he spent 30+ years working in the public school system, from being a teacher to being an administrator his top priority was always student’s education. He was the person who was at school early each morning to provide help if needed. He took time away from his family to make certain his students were prepared for the contests they were competing in. He took the extra time to explain a foreign concept to his students that may have needed extra help. As an administrator he went the extra mile to help a struggling student graduate. When a child would be sent to his office that just wanted some addition attention he gave it to them. And I would hope that most parent s who he saw would say that he was as honest and fair as possible. Now I know it was his job but he most definitely wasn’t there for the money.
Now in “retirement” he works to ensure his customers have as successful crop year as possible. Again I can’t thank him enough for all he has taught me and the example he has sat for me.
So thanks mom and dad for being you. For leading me, providing for me, for letting me succeed and fail, and most of all thank you for loving me through all of it. I am not sure where I would be today without you. You are amazing examples of what a wife or husband, a mom or dad, and grandma or pap should be. I love you and I for sure don’t say that enough.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Thankful Series is a bit hard
Today isn't really that hard just burns a bit. This person has know me since I was born, been my idol, my enemy, my roommate, and most of all my friend. He is my one and only brother! I can't say that we have always been the best of friends but we have always been there for each other. I can say what I want about him but anyone else say one cross thing about him and the wrath of the little sister is coming your way.
Not only is he a great brother but an amazing uncle! He is always there for Charlot. That is really what inspired this post is I called the last night to see if he or my mom could pick up Charlot. And even though he wasn't feeling well he said that he would make sure someone got her!
Monday, November 4, 2013
Career Mom Monday’s…Thankful Series Continued
Today I continue my thankful series for the month of November. I truly am thankful for the job that I have. It is not the job that I grew up envisioning I would have nor is it what I exactly went to college to pursue. When I started college at the ripe old age of 18 I just knew I wanted to be an Ag. Teacher just like my dad and brother. I just had to be a teacher, it is what fit, right???
Well let’s just say that once I got going in college and had a couple of internship opportunities I knew that teaching was still in my heart just maybe not teaching in a traditional classroom. Then I had the opportunity to intern with a large seed company right before my senior year of college. It totally opened me up to a side of Agriculture that I didn’t have much knowledge of and I fell in love. I loved knowing that I was making a difference in a farmer’s livelihood.
As I was in the job search during my senior year of college I was searching and searching and searching. Thinking how in the world am I going to find a career. I just broke down one day not knowing what I was going to do. Then I remembered one of my dad’s famous lines, “Tiffany, you’ve got to get your prioriotites straight.” At that point I sat down and listed honestly what my top three needs for a job were. #1 was it needed to be close to home, the Hubs (who was my boyfriend at the time) wasn’t moving and he was close to home. Next it needed to be something in Agriculture, preferably the seed side. Third I wanted it to be something I felt like I would be making a difference. At least I had a plan.
Well let’s just say that once I got going in college and had a couple of internship opportunities I knew that teaching was still in my heart just maybe not teaching in a traditional classroom. Then I had the opportunity to intern with a large seed company right before my senior year of college. It totally opened me up to a side of Agriculture that I didn’t have much knowledge of and I fell in love. I loved knowing that I was making a difference in a farmer’s livelihood.
As I was in the job search during my senior year of college I was searching and searching and searching. Thinking how in the world am I going to find a career. I just broke down one day not knowing what I was going to do. Then I remembered one of my dad’s famous lines, “Tiffany, you’ve got to get your prioriotites straight.” At that point I sat down and listed honestly what my top three needs for a job were. #1 was it needed to be close to home, the Hubs (who was my boyfriend at the time) wasn’t moving and he was close to home. Next it needed to be something in Agriculture, preferably the seed side. Third I wanted it to be something I felt like I would be making a difference. At least I had a plan.
In March of 2006 when I walked in to the research center that I work at, for an interview, I would have never guessed how much that place would teach and change me. I thought if they offer me this job I'll take it because it is close to home and a great place to start. Well low and behold they did offer me a job, and nearly 8 years later I truly took a job and turned it into a career I love and am so very passionate about. The question my company posed to participants at the farm progress show this year really sums up why I love what I do. They asked "how are you making a difference today to feed the world tomorrow?" Each and every day I can honestly answer that question.
Thank you to my boss for believing in that super young and naive girl he hired all those years ago. I sure am glad you took a chance on me!
Friday, November 1, 2013
Thankful for Five Years!!!
This post will start my thankful series for the month of November. And I can’t think of a better place to start. I am so very thankful for the hubs. He is truly my best friend, my confidant, my tear wiper, my cheerleader, my rock, and the place my heart goes most frequently. We aren’t perfect and that is ok, we have to work at it. Because guess what whoever said that a marriage didn’t take work was lying!!! The hubs makes me laugh, drives me crazy, amazes me, and loves me unconditionally and really that is all I can ask!
Hubs- Thank you for loving me and all my flaws! You are a great person, husband, and father. So Happy Anniversary! I can’t wait to see what the next 55 or so bring! To close I will be a bit cheesy and this is one of my favorite songs… in the words of Lee Brice- Darling I love your love the most.
Happy Friday everyone!