Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Kids say the darnedest things…
Lately well really not so lately my sweet little sprout Charlot has been expanding her vocabulary immensely. Some for the good some for the well I’ll just let you be the judge. Here are a few of our most recent exchanges.
Driving to the field to deliver supper earlier this week…
Charlot: There a big tractor…ober there (that tractor happened to be red)
Momma: Yes it is
Charlot: What’s he doing?
Momma: Working ground.
Charlot : Working ground??? Why?
Momma: To get it ready to plant their crop.
Charlot: Oh
At this point I feel she is satisfied with questions for the moment. We are continuing to drive and we go by a field further down the road. There happens to be an even bigger John Deere tractor in the field.
Charlot: Momma there’s a BETTER tractor
Momma: That is right sweetie!
Now some may say she liked it better due to the fact it was bigger but this momma thinks she already knows the correct tractors.
Driving to the field to deliver supper earlier this week…(different night)
Radio is on a country station I am not even thinking about it when Blake Shleton’s new song comes on. I am kind of singing along. When all of a sudden from the back seat I hear…
Charlot: Chew bacca Chew bacca Chew bacca SPIT!
In this moment I have no words and I am just trying to hold it together.
The following morning I get a text from Charlot’s sitter it reads.
“Hey your daughter is laying on the couch singing Chew bacca Chew bacca SPIT!
Well just go ahead and sign me up for that mother of the year award.
Dinner delivery she is sitting on the tailgate of the truck eating her sandwich. One of the guys I work with is having a conversation with her.
JLP: Charlot do you have pigs.
Charlot: Hamps (Hamps are a breed of pigs. Yes she knows the breeds of pigs.)
JLP: Oh really I thought your Daddy had Berks
Charlot: Yes at my house
JLP: Really at your house. I thought they were at Grandma and Grandpa’s
Charlot: No at my house
JLP: Oh well where do they stay
Charlot: In my room
Lord help me. I do feel that with this kid a day will come and I will find an actual pig in her room. I will not be shocked or surprised.
And my final story the mother of them all so far. I say so far because there is no doubt in my mind with her there will be many many more.
Charlot and I are shopping in the city a week or so ago. I need to go to the restroom, and I of course take her with me. Here we in the stall. Note there are others in the room.
Charlot: Momma what that.
Momma: My undies
Charlot: They’s pretty
Momma: Thank you (giggles coming from other stalls)
Charlot: Momma what that.
Momma: My leg
Charlot: Oh (she stands there and looks for a few seconds, I feel the subject is dropped)
Charlot: Momma what that
Momma: I told you that was my leg sweetie (more giggles from other stalls) just like you have legs
Charlot: Oh… Why’s yours sooooo BUMPY!!!
Out right laughter coming from other stalls. I now know why some animals eat their young! There is your daily dose of Charlot stories. She is a crazy funny little one and I wouldn’t trade her for the world. Have a lovely day.
love these thanks for sharing