Monday, October 21, 2013
Career Mom Mondays…When the other half is away…Hooray (NOT)
So the hubs just returned from a little over a week long hunting trip in the great state of Colorado. He was out there trying to bring us home a big strapping ELK! Well good news for my home décor he did not get one, stinks for him though.
Now this is not the first time the hubs has been away for more than a day at a time but this is the longest period I have been alone with our kiddo! And on top of that when you are hunting in the mountains cell service is pretty non-existent. These two things combined for a cranky whiney child and momma. But looking back now I can say I will be better prepared next time he decides to head out to the wild blue yonder. I will also say I have a whole new respect for Momma’s and Daddy’s that do it every day all day alone.
Here are a few things that I found helped the situation or would have helped.
1. The hubs and I should have started talking to her sooner about daddy being gone and that he wouldn’t be able to call her.
2. If each morning I talked to her about what we were going to do that day after I picked her up she seemed in a better mood.
3. Daddy left a special gift for her to have in the middle of the trip.
4. Visits with Grandma and Pap were important.
5. Uncle Zach coming to visit sure helped.
6. I planned something fun for the weekend and she was ready for that.
7. Finally I told her that when Daddy got home we all would go get donuts for everyone at the baby sitters house. Donuts are the way to my kids heart
If you have any tips I sure would love to hear them???
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