Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!

Before Trick-or-Treating in Concordia
Happy Halloween all! We are pretty excited for this holiday! My little spider has been doing a bit of early trick-or-treating the past few nights just to get warmed up for tonight! It is a bit rainy here today so I am sure tonight will be a little challenging and soggy! Any who hope every one has a safe and fun Halloween. Here are a few pics from our Halloween festivities so far!
This morning with her treats for her friends!

The Treats!!! Thank you Pintrest!
Halloween from Mommy and Daddy!

Soggy Trick-or-Treating

But we still had fun!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What a Glorious Weekend…

I love this picture and this dress is too much!
We had a great weekend, had the chance to do some relaxing, spending time with family, and pumpkin carving who could ask for more! It is really rainy here today so I am channeling the amazing weather we had this weekend to get through today!

We started our weekend off by traveling to my Alma Mater for homing coming, oh how I love Mizzou! First thing was the parade, Charlot loved seeing all the floats, she told me that she saw tigers, horses, and three JOHN DEERE tractors leave it to my kid to come away from a parade with that list. She was especially thankful for all the candy she got. She has been carrying it around since the parade. She really is at a great age for these types of events; I can’t wait to take her again next year. I really hope this is a tradition we can continue for years to come.

At the parade enjoying some of her catches
Then we spent most the afternoon and early evening tailgating with the hubs sisters and their other halves. It was a beautiful day to be out. We grilled and sat around and really just hung out. It had been a long time since we all had had the chance to spend that much time together it was super nice. A big thanks to Auntie Mer Mer and her fiancé Jeremy for providing the spot and Jeremy for being the grill master! Though the tiger game didn’t quite turn out the way we had hoped it was still a great day.
Auntie Mer Mer

Every tailgate needs Cheez-its and tractors

So excited to see Auntie Ra Ra
On Sunday we headed to church and had a church dinner after the services. These dinners always do my heart so much good to see our church all together in fellowship. Sunday was capped off with pumpkin carving that evening at my parents’ house. I thought the hubs, Zach and I did a pretty good job!
Here we all are with our creations...Charlot wanted to put her costume on a bit early

Works of art!

So I have to brag on the hubs he freehanded this!

Happy Tuesday, and enjoy the last few days of October! I can’t believe Halloween is almost here!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Career Mom Mondays…Organization

I just thought this was super cute and funny all at the same time!
I am kind of OCD about organization just ask the hubs and my brother. It kind of drives both of them crazy. Especially when we are packing to go somewhere they both pretty much just get out of the way and let me at it. But organization in a house is difficult, or I have found it to be. Our house is not big and we have a bunch of crap. But a few things I have found that help me out either in saving time or saving my sanity because I can find them is what I am going to share today. Please excuse any typos I may have I am running on very little sleep due to a sick little one.

1. I used to hate it when I would change the bed linens and would go to grab another set and would always be missing a pillowcase or something. My solution is that when I wash these everything gets stored inside one of the pillowcases that way I can just grab and go. This also seems to take up less space in my hall closet.

2. The case of the missing shoe… I used to spend crazy amounts of time each morning looking for my or Charlot’s shoes. It was driving me crazy. So I enacted a new rule that we take shoes off when we come in the house and we instantly go to our room with them. This at least limits the search area. Charlot pretty much knows when we walk in I will help her take her jacket off and she takes her shoes off and runs to her room with them. It is a system that is seeming to work and shaving off sometime in the mornings. She even has a special spot she puts them in, in the closet.

3. Speaking of saving morning time I hang Charlot’s clothes in outfits. Now this may take longer when putting clothes away but it sure saves time come Monday – Friday morning when I can just reach in grab two outfits let her choose, hang the other one up and get her dressed.

4. The USPS could take over my house if I let it. And at times it does. Mail is probably my biggest struggle. (well it is second to laundry but that is the next item for discussion). When we get home the hubs or I sort the mail into junk , bills, his and hers. Junk immediately goes in the trash; bills go in the mail sorter. And he and I both have a slot in the mail sorter which I clean out fully on a monthly basis. Magazines only live a short life in my home unless they have something we really want then we have an assigned basket in the office for those.

5. Laundry…YIKES!!! I hate it! I hate it especially because my washer and dryer are in my basement. But my goal is each night to get atleast one load completely finished. Washed, dried, and put away (my biggest struggle). So I now have an internal rule that I don’t go to bed without folding and putting away the basket of laundry that is setting on my bed. You would be surprised what one load a night can do for your weekend work load!

6. Last but not least I make our bed each and every day. It just makes me feel better. If everything else in my house is a debacle at minimum my bed isn’t. And I CANNOT sleep in an unmade bed.

Hope these help any or all of you! I have more but I’ll save those for another day I really must go take a nap!


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Easy Caramel Rolls...

I know I promised these sooner, and I know all of you were anxiously awaiting this recipe, well your wait is over! For a co-workers birthday I made these delicious things. He could really decided what he wanted, and kind of wanted my mommas cinnamon rolls, which I do not make. When he finally said caramel rolls I said sure I can do that without really knowing what I was going to make. Then I looked back in the archives of my brain to find a recipe I had made a few years ago that needed some tweaking. Next I turned to, if you have never been ther check it out, and saw a few promising caramel rolls. These were what I came up with! Yummy!

Overnight caramel rolls

1/2 cup butter melted
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup pecans chopped
1 tsp salt
12 frozen rolls
1 package butterscotch pudding

The night before pour melted butter in a 9x13 pan. Mix sugar and pecans, pour over butter. Sprinkle with salt. Arrange rolls in pan leaving plenty of room between them. Sprinkle the pudding over all of it. Put pan in a cold oven.

When you get up in the morning preheat your oven to 300 and bake rolls for 30 minutes. When they come out of the oven turn them on to a serving platter. ENJOY!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wacky Brain Wednesday

Just a few crazies on my mind today!

Last night I did Zumba for the first time, I know I am wayyyy behind! But it was a blast, although my thighs are still shaking from all that dancing! I really think this could be a workout this thick girl could learn to love! It was a big plus to have some really sweet people to do it with and great instructors!

After Zumba I felt my life needed some balance so I went home and made these! Oh they were yummy! I shall post the recipe ASAP( like tomorrow). They were for a co-workers birthday so I had to use some restraint and not eat the whole pan. 

I have been seeing these shoes every where and at first I was sure but the last week it began to get wayyy cold here and I saw that I actually needed these in my life! Here are a few pair I saw at target if anyone sees the hubs let him know these would be an ideal anniversary present! They even come in camo which he should appreciate! 

Hope all of you are making it successfully through your week!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fall Love...

I love fall love love love it! I am a warm color person (oh my Ms. McMillian my art teacher would be so proud)! The crisp air, the warm sun, the leaves, crops coming out of the fields, Halloween, all of it is right up my alley. Here is a list of some of my fall faves. (In no particular order)

1. Cooler air. I do not like to expose much of my body ever so cooler weather means I can cover up! Sweatshirts, jeans, jackets, bring it all on!!!

2. Halloween costumes I love figuring out what Charlot is going to be each year it is so much fun!

3. College Football. Enough said. MIZ-ZOU

4. Fall foliage, driving through the area near the river bluffs and looking at the colors is so inspiring.

5. Decorating for fall. Oh Charlot and I had a blast doing this together!

6. Combine rides Charlot loves calling out combine as we drive by but up close and personal she is a bit frightened. But had fun on her ride with Uncle Wayne

7. Craft festivals

8. Mizzou Homcoming- we did it first and we do it right

9. The hubs and I celebrate our wedding anniversary in the fall

10. And I always have and always will love Thanksgiving it is my most favorite holiday. Plus I feel like it rounds fall out so nicely!

There are so many more things I love about this time of year and I could continue but ya’ll may become bored! So get out there and enjoy it while you can!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Career Mom Mondays…When the other half is away…Hooray (NOT)

So the hubs just returned from a little over a week long hunting trip in the great state of Colorado. He was out there trying to bring us home a big strapping ELK! Well good news for my home décor he did not get one, stinks for him though.

Now this is not the first time the hubs has been away for more than a day at a time but this is the longest period I have been alone with our kiddo! And on top of that when you are hunting in the mountains cell service is pretty non-existent. These two things combined for a cranky whiney child and momma. But looking back now I can say I will be better prepared next time he decides to head out to the wild blue yonder. I will also say I have a whole new respect for Momma’s and Daddy’s that do it every day all day alone.

Here are a few things that I found helped the situation or would have helped.

1. The hubs and I should have started talking to her sooner about daddy being gone and that he wouldn’t be able to call her.

2. If each morning I talked to her about what we were going to do that day after I picked her up she seemed in a better mood.

3. Daddy left a special gift for her to have in the middle of the trip.

4. Visits with Grandma and Pap were important.

5. Uncle Zach coming to visit sure helped.

6. I planned something fun for the weekend and she was ready for that.

7. Finally I told her that when Daddy got home we all would go get donuts for everyone at the baby sitters house. Donuts are the way to my kids heart

If you have any tips I sure would love to hear them???

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wacky Brain Wednesday!

Oh my random brain the way it works sometimes amazes me.

Charlot and I spent some time at a local craft festival over the weekend and she had a ball. Her main source of entertainment was at this Mini Pumpkin Patch Booth, they had a corn pit and she loved it. I couldn’t get her to leave and once I did she kept asking to go back to the corn. Would it be weird if I took an old kiddie pool and made one of these for her in my basement??? I think she would love it but my biggest fear would be the attraction of loose open corn to the field mouse population. I cannot have a mouse in my house.

As we drive through town we see all these houses with the blow up Halloween decorations in their yards. And my kid goes crazy she loves them. She shouts “There’s HALLOWEEN.” It is pretty funny. Now we have decorations in our yard just not the blow up kind. This is not an open invitation for one of those decorations to show up in my yard. That was for my brother, he has been threatening for years.

Over the weekend both of my lovely Missouri teams won some wonderful games. The Mizzou Tigers beat the Georgia Bulldogs. And the Chiefs beat the Raiders. WooHoo! But the coolest part is asking Suri on my phone who is the best in the SEC and she announces the Tigers. Then asking her who is the best in the NFL and she announces the Chiefs. So exciting I was showing my dad this as we were driving the other day. He is an even bigger football fan than me. I don’t think this was a great idea for our safety.

I will leave you with this because it has been on my heart since I heard about it last week. My thoughts and prayers have been with the cattlemen of South Dakota. As a livestock owner myself I cannot imagine having to experience this. I saw this quote the other day and it really put it all in perspective for me. “In the winters chill or summer’s heat farmers and ranchers work so the world can eat.” The whole country should be devastated for these people. Just know this Missouri girl has you on her heart, and I am telling everyone I know of your loss.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Career Mom Monday's... Quick Suppers! Featuring...Saucy Shredded Chicken Tacos

Quick week night supper

I took a fews days off of blogging mainly because I felt the cat story deserved a to front a center for a day or so. Good news we have not had a cat sighting since. Now on to the good stuff!

As a working momma supper is a struggle I try and I try to preplan as much as possible but I still find myself atleast once a week asking my co-workers what they are fixing for supper. I ask in hope of inspiration. But as a mom we all know that there are moments when it just doesn’t happen and the nearest pizza place is in our sights. And that is ok! To avoid having Casey’s pizza on a weekly basis I have come up with a few pantry staples that help me get meals on the table quick. This is not my complete list, I am thinking of doing a whole pantry shopping post on another day.

1. Pasta (a variety of cuts and sizes) - it is quick and easy. Plus my kid loves it

2. Canned and Frozen Veggies-no chopping required, and I get her to eat a veggie each night

3. Variety of tomato products-(Crushed, Sauce, Diced, Paste(in the tube)) quick pasta sauce, calzone dipping sauce, quick pizza sauce

4. Pizza dough- no I don’t make my own, but this can be easily made into a variety of things

5. Tortillas- which leads me into my quick and easy recipe for this week

Saucy Shredded Chicken Tacos

Now this dish includes several of my go to items. Tortillas, My Pre-Shredded Cheese, and Pre-Shredded Chicken (for info on these items see this post), and Tomato Sauce. It is a lovely saucy tomatoy cheesy flavor explosion. Ha that was way over the top but this dish is good.

1 bag of my frozen pre-shredded chicken (about 3 breasts)

2 cups chicken stock/broth

1 can tomato sauce (for this dish I used the rotel tomato sauce it was a bit more spicy)

2 TBSP Taco Seasoning (you can use your own or packaged kind) Mine is a combo of cumin, red pepper, paprika, salt, black pepper, and ground oregano

And that is it. Warm the stock and sauce with seasonings in a skillet and add the chicken if it is thawed you are even closer if not allow to thaw in your sauce.

It should look like this while cooking. Yummy

Warm some tortillas, chop some lettuce, and tomatoes, grab some cheese, and people you have supper. Easy and yummy.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wacky brain Wednesday...a cat story.

I was really ready to be random today and really did have a few things on my mind. That was until about 6:02a.m. That is when one little cat changed my day, pretty early I know!

This story really does start last night while Charlot and I were playing outside. A yellow cat kept coming up to us and walking up our porch steps and just plain hanging around. Then when Charlot and I were headed inside it tried its hand at coming on in with us. I lightly suggested to it that it didn’t belong here and needed head home. End of story…NOPE!

At approximately 6:02 this morning I was stepping out of the shower grabbed my robe and opened the bathroom to head to our room and what to my surprise is standing there! THE YELLOW CAT!!! Now I know it is just a cat but when you are not expecting a cat in your home and frankly I am not a huge fan of cats, I’m allergic. It quickly becomes a big deal! I screamed at the top of my lungs scaring the ever loving beegeezees out of the cat the hubs and Charlot. The hubs is jumping up to see what the heck happened, Charlot is crying I am still screaming there’s a cat in our house. And the cat is nowhere to be found.

I grab Charlot out of bed. The hubs and I head into the living room and what do I see, a cat no, I see my dog stretching as if we have awoken her from a three day slumber. I then say in an extremely high pitched voice “Well what good are you Gabby if you aren’t even going to protect us from cats!” The hubs proceeds to laugh out loud at me, which was not needed. Then the phone rings really who is calling us in the middle of this cat EMERGENCY! It was the hubs uncle asking him about hunting stuff. The hubs is leaving today for a big hunting trip! I am still searching for this stupid cat when I hear the most blood curdling cat cry, apparently the hubs suggested a little more forcefully that cat was not welcome here.

I then look at him with sad eyes I am sure, and he says “don’t even ask me if I hurt it!”

For those of you wondering how in the world we ended up with a cat in our house, join the club. No seriously we think it must have slipped in when the hubs was carrying his things in the night before.

Now that you have been properly introduced to the funny farm we live on I feel I can share these stories with you and you will pass as little judgment as possible. Thank you and have a nice day.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Creamy Chicken and Wild Rice Soup…YUMMY

So I will admit it I LOVE PANERA BREAD! There I said it I love it, the hubs does not share this love. Therefore I don’t exactly get to go dine at their restaurants real frequently, plus there isn’t one in a forty-five minute radius of my home, I know be sad for me. And I wasn’t real impressed with their EZ Chicken campaign that they ran this summer, where they inaccurately portrayed farmers that used antibiotics in their products as Lazy Farmers. But I am not getting into all of that!

Anyway I seriously love their soups and I particularly enjoy their chicken and wild rice soup. With fall on its way a few weeks ago I began searching for a recipe and found one for this soup that seemed to suit my fancy, I knew I wanted to make a few tweeks. This Sunday provided the perfect weather to try out the soup, cold and dreary. Well the hubs response was “This is the best soup you have made yet.” Maybe he should rethink his stance on Panera.

Back to the business at hand, make this soup it is super easy and delish to boot! Here is the link to the original recipe and below is my version. I changed up the process a bit and I reduced the amount of cream/dairy basically because I don’t handle dairy well. If you didn’t know this about me well you do now I love it but it does not love me back.

Panera Style Creamy Chicken and Wild Rice Soup

6 cups Chicken Broth (I used a big can)

2 boneless skinless Chicken Breast

1 box of Uncle Bens Wild Rice

1 ¼ sticks butter

1 cup onion diced

1 cup carrot diced

1 cup celery diced

½ cup flour

Salt and pepper to taste

1 ½ cup Whole Milk

1 ½ cup Chicken Stock in the box

In a large soup pot, I used my oval dutch oven, bring the 6 cups of broth to a light boil and poach your chicken breasts. While they are poaching I work on chopping all my veggies. In a skillet melt your butter once it is melted add your veggies, let them sauté. Once your chicken is finished take it out to cool and put your rice minus the seasoning packet in the broth and cook for 15 minutes. In that 15 minutes your veggies should be getting soft. After the veggies are softening add the rice seasoning packet to them stir really well. Add the flour to the skillet and season with salt and pepper stir this for several minutes to allow the flour to cook out. Once this has happened add the milk and stock stir to thicken. Add the creamy veggie mixture to the broth and rice at this point you should dice up your chicken and add it as well allow the whole kitten caboodle to simmer for 20 minutes!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Career Mom Mondays...Trying to Tame the Morning Mathem

Who me I would never cause you heartache.

Why is it that a child can sense a running late morning before they ever open their eyes? I mean seriously why does momma oversleeping cause my child to turn in to a heathen that has never been in public before? I swear on the mornings I am running the latest I always find myself praying for mercy and asking God to bring her bad mood on another day. But if he waited for an early day for me I wouldn't ever experience the bad mood, ha.
Just like yesterday morning, I know it was the weekend, but I kind of made a last minute decision to go to the earlier service at our church. And I found myself smack dab in the middle of " but I don't want to wear clothes and I don't want to go potty" land. Wowzer! I then found myself walking into church during the opening hymn praying for a back pew with NO luck. Then having to go to the front with a toddler who is pissy and asking why we aren't sitting in "our pew." Yikes
Trust me she doesn't save these performances for solely the weekends, actually most the time they are in the middle of the craziest weeks. But I have found a few things that help ward off the satan child. They aren't foolproof but they have seemed to lessen our melt downs. (I say our because there is a good chance that if she is crazy and crying in the A.M. I will soon be crying.)

So here are my tips they aren't scientific and most are obvious but hey they seem to help!

1. Have whatever it is your kiddo may want when they first wake up ready prior to waking them up. For my sweet angel she really wants her warm milk first thing in the morning. If I have it when I wake her up she isn't crying for her milk.

2. Have two outfit choices. Lately Charlot has been rejecting many of the outfits I choose especially if it is one of those mornings! So I have found if the night before I look at the weather and either go lay out the outfits or at least have them in mind, it makes for less morning drama. She knows that those are her choices and nothing else is on the table.

3. Get yourself as ready as possible prior to waking the little ones. The less "help" I have in the morning the better.

4. Whatever needs to go out the door with you in the morning needs to go in a central place the night before. The hubs and I take our lunch to work so I try to pack this and get it in a bag in the fridge. Then any thing else that needs to go with us is out in a particular spot in the kitchen. 

5. Take a minute and breath. I know this sound corny but if I do take a minute before we rush out the door to stop and hug and kiss my loved ones my day is much better.

Again I am not perfect but these thing seems to work for us. Happy Monday to all of you! And I hope your week is smooth sailing!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Life is better with a slice of PIE!!!

I know I promised this post a few days ago, and I am very sorry to those of you who were anxiously awaiting it! Hahaha! I was at a career fair and intern interviews for a few days this week so that is my excuse, lame I know! 

Now that I have given my proper excuse lets talk some pie! 

During the Fall Festival the Lions club hosted a pie contest and auction. With the proceeds benefiting our pool toward the purchase of a new slide. I decided this was most definitely a worthy cause and I had entered pie contests before. For this contest I chose to make a pie I had one time on a work trip with the hubs in this tiny cafe in southwest Missouri. A Black Bottom Butterscotch. Now the original had a regular pie crust and whipped topping, but I needed to change it up a bit. I went with a graham cracker crust and because I knew the pie needed to be stable a room temperature for a bit I went with a marshmallow meringue.

The morning of the contest I got up to put the meringue on the top of the pies I had made the night before. It was a nice cool morning so the meringue actually worked(this does not always happen!) things were looking up.
The Lions club members had a good turn out and I am very pleased to say that I took home first prize in the single crust category and momma Linda received second for her apple!!!! 

The very next weekend was the state Cornhusking pie contest! And you bet you booty I was entering but I need a neutral audience to try the pie I had in mind. I was think about making a banana cream pie with an Oreo crust. I decided the most honest and hungry people I could think of we're my co-workers! I prepared the pie and headed to work with it. It received mixed reviews, some liked the chocolate crust some thought it was too sweet. But they all loved the filling which I had made to have more of a banana cheesecake flavor!

With these reviews and some discussion I decided to change the crust to the same crust I use for my cheesecakes! So what was born...a Nutty Nutella Banana Cream Pie with Marshmallow Meringue! Oh yes it is a mouthful but it is delish! And I guess the judges thought so too, because it took home the top prize in ther meringue category! 

I was really excited and surprised about these wins! But truly I just really enjoy creating and testing new pie ideas! Below are the recipes if you would like to give them a try!

Black Bottom Butterscotch

11/2 cups crushed graham crackers
1/2 cup melted butter
1/4 cup sugar
Pinch of salt
Mix all ingredients until they appear like wet sand and then press into a pie pan and bake at 350 for 10 minutes. Let cool while you create the filling!

1 + 1/4 cups packed dark brown sugar
1/4 cup butter
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon cornstarch
2 cups whipping cream
3 egg yolks
3 tablespoons butter, diced
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup dark chocolate chips
In a medium saucepan combine 1/2 cup of the brown sugar and 1/4 cup butter set over low heat. Stir until butter melts and mixture is smooth. Remove from heat. In a small bowl stir together the remaining 3/4 cup brown sugar with the flour and cornstarch. Add this mixture to the butter mixture and stir until combined. Stir in the whipping cream a little at a time. Place the pan over medium heat and continue stirring until thick and bubbly then reduce heat to low and continue cooking for 2 more minutes. Remove from heat. Set a wire strainer over a bowl and strain the mixture pushing it through with a wooden spoon. Return the strained mixture to the saucepan. In a small bowl lightly beat the egg yolks and gradually whisk in about 1 cup of the hot filling. Whisk the yolk mixture into the saucepan. Set over medium heat and stir constantly until it starts to boil, reduce heat to low and cook 2 more minutes. Remove from heat. Stir in the 3 tablespoons butter and the vanilla. Place chocolate chip in pie shell and the pour on the warm filling. Cool in the fridge overnight with plastic wrap over it.

Marshmallow meringue:
5 egg whites
1 jar of marshmallow fluff
3 tbsps powdered sugar

Whip egg whites and sugar to soft peaks the gradually add in the fluff and beat to stiff peaks! Top your pie and bake at 350 for ten minutes or until browned.

Nutty Nutella Banana Cream Pie!

1/4 cup finely chopped pecans
1/4 cup finely chopped almonds
3/4 cup finely chopped vanilla wafer
2 tablespoons melted butter
1heaping tbsp Nutella 

Combine nuts wafers and butter to a wet sand consistency. Press into pie pan and bake at 350 for 10 minutes. While it is still warm spoon in the Nutella and spread it thin. 

1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup cornstarch
2 1/2 cups half and half
1 tbsp butter
1 tsp vanilla
4 oz cream cheese
3 bananas sliced

In a medium saucepan combine sugar and cornstarch. Gradually stir in half and half. Cook and stir over medium heat until thick and bubbly; reduce heat. Cook and stir for 2 minutes more. Remove from heat. Slightly beat egg yolks. Temper egg yolks with the cream mixture. Slowly stir in the egg mixture to the remainder of the cream. Bring to a gentle boil. Cook and stir for two minutes more. Remove from heat, add butter vanilla and cream cheese.
Layer the bananas into the bottom of the crust top with filling. Chill over night. 

Use the same meringue recipe!

Wow that was a long post thanks for sticking with me!!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The things this kid says…

Well we have had some real zingers over the past few days so I thought it would be important to share them with you. Mainly because yesterday’s post was a touch serious so I figured we needed a bit of humor to lighten the mood.

Last night as we were getting ready for bed she informed me “I really MUST Vacuum.” I said well I just did it for you earlier. She announces “I know but my room is still all dirty.” I think I will turn all cleaning over to her!

Sunday night after putting her to bed I could hear her in there still tossing around and thought oh she will go down soon I didn’t worry too much about it. Then she hit me with this…”Momma my jammies are falling off” note she had zip up footie jammies on no way they were falling off. I head to her room to find her with her jammies around her ankles. Apparently her removing her own clothes equals them falling off.

She has been asked to be the flower girl in her aunt MerMer’s upcoming wedding. Something that she has been pretty excited about since she will get to wear a pretty dress. At least she was excited about it until last night when she announced to me on the way home “I don’t want to be a flower girl, I want to be a bumble bee!” So I am thinking she is just confused about Halloween and so I say well you aren’t going to be a flower girl for Halloween. She says “No in MerMer’s wedding, I want to be a bumble bee!!!” Mer it looks like to me you need to change your color scheme to black and yellow to accommodate.

Last but certainly not least! I can’t even say occurred under my supervision, so I feel better knowing that she isn’t just crazy with me. On Saturday morning I was working so my mom and dad were watching Charlot. My mom called me to tell me the results of the pie contest I had entered (more on this tomorrow). I asked how Charlot was and what she was up to. I then heard a little giggle from my mom and she said well…”she is on the potty doing some business,” I said oh ok. Then my mom says “She keeps saying “The smell is making me SICK!”” Oh my word who’s child is this.

Please again let this serve as a PSA for other local moms out there you may want to allow limited exposure to my kid.