Monday, October 26, 2009

A Rude Awakening...

What do a pig a police officer and a butcher equal I might ask you?

Well in my world they equal a perfect disturbance to my morning of sleeping in.

Let me just start from the beginning, on Thursday evening my lovely husband deemed it necessary to wean a sow that we had out at my parent’s house. This was necessary so that we could rebreed her for her next litter to be born this winter. I remind you this is a typical practice around the farm not much out of the ordinary. Well the sow was going to be moved from my parents’ house to my in-laws house and since the houses are about thirty minutes apart the hubby decides he would just load her Thursday night and take her out to her new home on Friday morning. Well for the time being my dear husband and I live in town a very small town I mind you. Since he wanted to spend the evening with me he loaded the ole sow up on the trailer and brought her to town parking his truck and trailer outside of our house, not an uncommon occurrence.

Now back to my morning of sleeping in, I had taken the day off from work so I could spend some time with a very dear friend of mine in the big city shopping. But I thought that I would catch a few extra minutes of shut eye before I got up and made myself shopping ready. Well that is when I heard a knock at the door and the fun began at approximately 6:06a.m. A police officer and the local butcher shop owner were standing on my front steps informing us that our pig that was in the trailer was on the loose! And that they were going to help us find her. I think you can figure out where the butcher fits in.

I tell you this right now she sure went on a tour of town, from seeing the school, to walking down the main street, to trying to go to work at the local factory. Lastly she was decided to take a walk over to the city park and that is where she was found and safely returned to her trailer. Boy oh boy were we the talk of the town for the day. You never know what is going to happen next in our crazy piggy life!

No real pictures of this event were taken because:
It was dark outside
I was a bit busy herding a pig.
I was definitely NOT camera ready!

Enjoy my struggles!

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