Sunday, July 17, 2016

Take time with the ones you love...


I have zero pictures to document the story I am getting ready to tell you...all I have is the memories I will forever treasure and the joy in my heart.

I few weeks ago my grandma was preparing for a trip to see my aunt and her family in Atlanta, everything was arranged and my momma was to take her to the airport. As it turned out a good friend of my mom's passed away so I stepped up and said the kiddos and I would take grandma. I felt like the most amazing thing of the day was going to be that I got two kids and myself dressed, fed, and out of the house before 7 am. But man oh man was I wrong, the conversation and time I got to have with my grandma will always be a great memory for me! One thing she said to me that day stuck out more than any other. 
As most of you know my papa passed away in October, when he passed they had been married for 67 years. Their whirlwind romance and love for one another was always present. Something I always admired about their marriage. What she said that day was that what she missed the most was Saturday night dates. She said you know we went out almost every Saturday night from the time our kids were little on. I didn't think much of it at the time but as I drove home that day with two sleeping kids in the back seat I thought how strange for that to be what she misses most...the longer I thought about it the more I understood. Knowing what you would do every weekend and the person you would be going with, no question no doubts. Knowing the person you would ride in the car with on the way to dinner, always knowing who's hand you would hold across the table, and never having to wonder if you would have someone to share that meal with. I thought about my relationship with the hubs how I have been his date for nearly 15 years now and I can't imagine it any other way. Take that feeling for 67 years and quickly I knew why my grandma missed dates with my papa the most.
With this in mind last night I took my grandma on a date. A date that brought me so so much joy one I will never forget and pray I will get to do more frequently. At first I thought oh this will be great for my grandma but by the end of the night I knew that it had meant more to me than I could ever know. The conversation the laughs, the lessons and the love we shared will forever be engrained in me. I can't really explain how thankful I am that I still have my grandma and that she is healthy enough to spend time with her entire family because she is a beautiful soul we all can learn from.

If you still have your grandparents or parents or really anyone special in your life that no longer has a forever date or even if they do take the time to take them on a date and just enjoy the moment. 

I love you grandma thank you for all you have taught me and continue to. 

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