Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Supper Service, The Pioneer Woman, and Hashtags...

The last couple of weeks the hubs has been quite busy, between cows, crops, and the dreaded word for me at least HAY! Charlot and I haven’t gotten to see a whole heck of a lot of him, good weather in the spring causes this. Isn't the saying you gotta make hay while the sun shines? 

Yesterday afternoon the hubs asked me if I could bring supper out tonight, I do this quite often but haven’t been lately because he wasn't really stopping to eat. So of course I said “YES!” I had visions in my head of preparing this amazing meal, packing it perfectly in a pretty picnic basket and delivering it to the field to be eaten on the tailgate. I must make a confession, I LOVE THE PIONEER WOMAN, her blog, her books, her show I LOVE IT ALL!!! So when I deliver supper to the field for him I am always trying to mimic her or the meals I see her deliver on TV. I know it is TV but I just think she is fabulous so I think all her meal deliveries are like that!

Well guess what even in my best attempts to be like the Pioneer Woman last night FAILED! I didn't leave work as early as I had planned, I picked up Charlot who took her sweet time getting her shoes on, I needed to mow the yard before the impending rain(back to that whole make hay while the sun shines thing), I had to water all the flowers, and then needed to change clothes. All this caused the preparing of the said amazing meal to not really begin until nearly six and my kid was telling me she was hungry and wanted to see daddy. In that moment I threw away all hopes channeling my inner Ree, and ordered Pizza Hut. Yes that mother of the year award will be accepted anytime!

We cruised to the Pizza Hut grabbed the pizza and headed to the field, where we were greeted by freshly raked rye hay and bales, a lovely site. I got Charlot all set up on the tailgate with her pizza and then got the remaining pizza out. The smell must have been a strong thing because I swear these two punks came galloping across the field before anyone else could even get a piece of pizza in their mouth. 

They quickly got a lesson in manners from a four year old. “Duke, sit, Gabby, sit…now if you are good I’ll give you a bite, but you can’t bite my fingers.”  I don’t think they are actually listening, just praying that the piece of pizza in her hand falls out.

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All tailgate suppers require a meeting of the minds. Tonight's topic was, deciding if they would bale the remainder of the field. The hubs and my FIL were a little worried it was a bit too wet, too wet hay is a bad bad thing. I'll have to have the hubs actually explain why because I cannot actually explain it correctly.

The final decision after getting the moisture tester, was to continue baling. Which meant family tractor ride selfie! I think Charlot would have stayed in there all night.

I'm pretty sure the hubs wanted to participate in the picture but chose to act like he was actually working! HA! OK he was possibly looking at the monitor.

Yes a job well done a nice even and level I worked hard to get that made. Those cows had better appreciate that this winter!

It was getting later and we were needing to head home so a quick picture sitting on her hard work.

Hugs from poppy.

And see ya Daddy!!!

Seriously you two I am out of food...and isn't it time for your pre-bedtime nap anyway?

In other news I used a Hash Tag last night! WHAT! I have believed these are for the 30 and under crowd which isn't me! But I threw caution to the wind and posted the first picture with the #supperservice. Watch out I may lose my coolness factor soon.

Signing off...The Hash-tagging, Pioneer Woman Wannabe...

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