Thursday, June 23, 2011

5 Months

This week we had a new addition to the farm, two new litters of pigs. I am so excited for these little cuties.  Charlot also turned 5 months old on Sunday. I felt like this was the perfect opportunity to take some pictures and introduce Charlot and the baby pigs. At five months old Charlot is an amazingly happy baby. She is so laid back; I thank God every day for such an amazing little lady. As you can see in some of these pictures she isn’t so sure about the pigs gathered around her. I thought she would find them fun, I mean every time Gabby (our yellow lab) comes near her she just cracks up. Charlot is growing and changing each and every day some of her big accomplishments for this month are rolling over and pushing up as well as trying to sit up. Oh and she is cutting her first tooth!

 It was a little windy out at first so little miss wasn't sure what to think. But then we brought on the babies and she really became concerned, she never cried, but a smile for momma wasn't gonna happen. I would also like to point out that these little guys look huge but they are only three days old and they have a total of ten in their litter, they are big ones!

After the pigs were removed Charlot seemed to rest a little easier and then discovered the dirt. 

1 comment:

  1. Very Cute pics Tiff, Keep 'em coming! YOu have a little heartbreaker on your hands!
