Friday, September 30, 2011

8 months…

My baby who was so tiny so little time ago is now 8 months old. And I wouldn’t trade her for anything she is so funny. She babbles all the time, I really wish I could sneak into her head and see what she is thinking. With the babbles she throws in a Bye-bye and waves, it is pretty amazing. She is crawling everywhere, and pulling up and letting go and falling. But that is ok she is trying her hardest and I am there to scoop her up when she falls. Oh I love this little girl she is such a special delight in my life, one I couldn’t have imagined even if I tried.

I have wanted to take some pictures of her outside for quite some time. But this summer was not conducive to that, the heat was crazy. Now it is officially FALL, and I am in love with the weather. So the little miss and I trotted outside the other night with Gabby for some pics. I can’t say that Gabby was exactly the most cooperative though.

Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!

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