Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thankful day #4

So today I am so very thankful and I know it has been said a 1000 times today, I am so very thankful to live in a country that I am able to vote without persecution, or fear. I am so proud to be an American, today and every day. I have family members and friends who have served and are serving for our country and our freedoms, and I do not want to ever take that for granted.

Today I was reminded about what an honor it is to vote as a friend of mine shared a picture of his significant other voting for the first time because they were born outside of the U.S. and has spent the past several years going through the citizenship process. The look on their face was priceless, sheer pride and joy. I hope each and every one of you gets out take advantage of this PRIVILEGE we have as Americans and VOTE!!!

Oh and I am so so happy that the political ads will soon be over! I am ready for good funny commercials again!

Oh the hubs just informed me that whatever I had planned to watch on TV tonight was being nixed, he is turning on election coverage as soon as he gets home!!! He is a barrel of fun, he even said no Wheel of Fortune why doesn't he just take my birthday away too! No not really, but kind of.

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