Friday, November 9, 2012

Thankful...for the love of the kitchen

Trisha Yearwood's Chicken Tortilla Soup...Easy, Fast and YUMMY!!!
Today I am extremely thankful for my love of cooking. I absolutely love to be in the kitchen creating and tasting and making something yummy. I love the way a meal can bring people together and can keep people alive in your hearts forever. My family is full of amazing cooks, and I know that is where I get my love from. I grew up in a family that every get together included a meal and those are such happy memories for me.

The way food can go from generation to generation just amazes me I have spent time in the kitchen with not only my grandmothers but my great grandmothers. My Granny (my dad’s paternal grandmother) made the most amazing biscuits known to man and when we would go see her each summer I got the job of putting a bit of Crisco on the top of each biscuit. Every time I eat Granny’s Biscuits that my momma has nearly perfected I think of those memories. Another amazing woman and cook was my Aunt Alice and for as long as I can remember she brought deviled eggs to all of our family dinners and sometimes she brought her Strawberry cake. I challenged myself to learn how to make both so that her memory would remain with us. I now bring deviled eggs to some family dinners and I baked a Strawberry Cake for Charlot’s first Birthday. My next challenge is to be able to make Cashew Brittle like my Grandma Kathryn, I don’t think she is sharing her whole recipe yet…and I want to make cinnamon rolls like my momma they are so good. But yeast is my enemy currently.

So thank you to all the women and men (my dad is a great Cajun cook) who helped form my love of the kitchen. And a special thank you to my momma, she was and still is so patient with me in the kitchen and is a willing teacher.

Here is the link to one of my latest favorite recipes… Trisha Yearwood’s Chicken Tortilla Soup this stuff was crazy good!

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