Monday, October 7, 2013

Career Mom Mondays...Trying to Tame the Morning Mathem

Who me I would never cause you heartache.

Why is it that a child can sense a running late morning before they ever open their eyes? I mean seriously why does momma oversleeping cause my child to turn in to a heathen that has never been in public before? I swear on the mornings I am running the latest I always find myself praying for mercy and asking God to bring her bad mood on another day. But if he waited for an early day for me I wouldn't ever experience the bad mood, ha.
Just like yesterday morning, I know it was the weekend, but I kind of made a last minute decision to go to the earlier service at our church. And I found myself smack dab in the middle of " but I don't want to wear clothes and I don't want to go potty" land. Wowzer! I then found myself walking into church during the opening hymn praying for a back pew with NO luck. Then having to go to the front with a toddler who is pissy and asking why we aren't sitting in "our pew." Yikes
Trust me she doesn't save these performances for solely the weekends, actually most the time they are in the middle of the craziest weeks. But I have found a few things that help ward off the satan child. They aren't foolproof but they have seemed to lessen our melt downs. (I say our because there is a good chance that if she is crazy and crying in the A.M. I will soon be crying.)

So here are my tips they aren't scientific and most are obvious but hey they seem to help!

1. Have whatever it is your kiddo may want when they first wake up ready prior to waking them up. For my sweet angel she really wants her warm milk first thing in the morning. If I have it when I wake her up she isn't crying for her milk.

2. Have two outfit choices. Lately Charlot has been rejecting many of the outfits I choose especially if it is one of those mornings! So I have found if the night before I look at the weather and either go lay out the outfits or at least have them in mind, it makes for less morning drama. She knows that those are her choices and nothing else is on the table.

3. Get yourself as ready as possible prior to waking the little ones. The less "help" I have in the morning the better.

4. Whatever needs to go out the door with you in the morning needs to go in a central place the night before. The hubs and I take our lunch to work so I try to pack this and get it in a bag in the fridge. Then any thing else that needs to go with us is out in a particular spot in the kitchen. 

5. Take a minute and breath. I know this sound corny but if I do take a minute before we rush out the door to stop and hug and kiss my loved ones my day is much better.

Again I am not perfect but these thing seems to work for us. Happy Monday to all of you! And I hope your week is smooth sailing!

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