Tuesday, June 17, 2014

An Evening with the Hubs…

I do promise I will have some recipes later in the week. But this was just too lovely not to share. This week Charlot is attending bible school in the evenings at a local church, which means quite time at home. Hooray! No I have to admit I miss the little stink when she isn’t around talking non-stop. But I did think this would allow for some much needed hubs and me time.

Last night he said he needed to run a quick errand in town and then would be home early to spend some time with me. I thought yea right you will probably go check the cows get caught and end up talking with someone for way to long. So I proceeded to cook supper for one and not worry about the hubs. Well as I was getting ready to head out the door for a run, he pulls up. Seriously? Then says “Where are you headed thought we were spending some time together.” “Hum sure yes we are I was just going to get a quick run in.” The Hubs “Nope get in.” “Hum ok where are we going?” I ask after I get in.

He grins. I’m in trouble. “We’re going to check the cows.” Oh joyous event! What that actually means is he wants someone to open gates for him and help him locate specific cows. He is so romantic. Oh this may not sound like much to you but I have an irrational fear of cattle I have spoken about this before. They are bigger than me and skiddish and well I am just not real comfortable around them! But last night I put my big girl britches and this is what happened. Please say a prayer for me and my relationship with this cow.

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