Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wacky Brain Wednesday

I am definitely feeling very random and quite ready for fall this morning so if you don’t enjoy random thoughts this post isn’t for you!
My sick ones playing puzzles. You are seeing this correct she has no pants on they are totally optional in her world.
My whole house has been sick for the past four days YUCK! Nasal gunk and coughs I am so ready for it to be over. I have heard that there is a ton of it going around so I pray that we will be swiftly over it and not re-contract (is that a word??) it.

Today is my boss’s birthday and going with my tradition of making treats for the people I work with on their date of birth. I made him delicious apple dumplings, it is the Pioneer Woman’s recipe, so good so easy. For the full recipe click HERE. This a picture I sent a co-worker last night after they came out of the oven, I am sure she appreciated having to think about them all night long!

Making those dumplings and the chili I made the other night has really gotten me in the mood for fall and harvest. But apparently Mother Nature isn’t quite finished messing with us this year because it is supposed to be in the 90’s the next two days.

Speaking of harvest it really is one of my favorite times of the year. I love seeing combines in the fields and for me in my job seeing the results of all the summers’ hard work. It really is quite nice. The thing ok two things I don’t look forward to during harvest is the fact that I need to leave a minimum of thirty minutes early to allow for time to be stuck behind machinery, I know they are just doing their jobs as well but it really messes with my leave at the last possible second strategy. The second thing is bee’s wings. Now if you are not from an area with massive amounts of corn are grown you will have no idea what I am talking about but let me explain.

Bees Wings are the loose pink particles that come off the corn cob when it is shelled. Well you would so what’s the big deal well let me tell you they go and stick wherever the wind blows them! I have lived in the same small town since I was born so I always knew the hum of the elevator in the fall and I knew the hum of combines in the field I also knew this hum would soon be causing a fine pink dust to be blowing all over town sticking to cars, windows, and everything in between. This may sound trivial and it is, but the little buggers really just drive me crazy.

Have a Fab WEDNESDAY!!! 

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