Monday, September 30, 2013

Career Mom Mondays...facing the guilt

So I think that all moms face guilt at some point in time, weather they are working mommas or stay at home moms it happens. I mean I know that some SAHM's feel am I doing enough for this family if I worked would we be better off? And then working moms well they wonder if the were home with their kids would they be better off. Lately it has been happening a lot more for me. But let me first start by telling you about my decision of being a working mom.
First of all being a working mom wasn't really a choice, I mean the hubs didn't say you must work but I didn't really see any other choice. Financially we needed my salary to stay a float, not just my salary but I am our insurance carrier. Which all of you know is very important. The hubs and I never really discussed me going back to work I think we both just knew that to be able to achieve the goals we had for our family I would be working. But just because I knew the reasons why doesn't mean I didn't and don't experience guilt. 
Lately Charlot has been asking me a lot more why I go to work. The first time she looked at me on a Tuesday morning as we were getting ready and said "why you go to work, I don't want you to" I found myself running to the bathroom for a good cry! I really didn't know how to answer this question. 
After talking with few other moms about how they handled this I decided to go with the "sugar coated" honest approach. By this I mean I tell her a truth that makes sense to a two year old. The next time she asked the dreaded question I just smiled and said well honey momma works so we can do fun things like go to the swim park, and the zoo and the state fair. She just smiled and said ok! I think this probably went over better than saying " well I work so we can have food and so you can go to college." 
She still asks why I have to go to work and I just throw it back to her and say why does momma go to work? She just says "Fun Things!" As she greats older I will continue to be honest with her and gradually reduce the sugar. I know the guilt will never fully be gone, there will always be days that I am at work but would much rather be home with her. I guess I am just glad that I have found a way that works for me to explain to her.

How do you handle these talks??? Or is my kid the only blunt one?

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